Lindsay helps Daddy paint a pumpkin...we had issues though so finished product will have be shown later!
Trying on her Lady Bug costume!
Trying on her Lady Bug costume!
Lindsay is showing off her wings!
We're going to get Lindsay today and bring her home, FINALLY! We called last night to talk to her and she heard my voice and said "where are you mommy?" I told her I was in the car with Daddy on the way home from the store. She said "Are you wearing your helmet mommy?" I was cracking up. Grandpa in the background told her "Mommy's head is better now and she doesn't have to wear the helmet anymore". She is so funny. I can't imagine where she comes up with stuff. She spent the weekend with Derek and Adam and told us all about how she played and rode Derek's back. Apparently that was big fun for her! I can't wait to see her reaction when she gets to come home with mommy & daddy today. Stay tuned.