I rejoined weight watchers a while back and have not been exactly following plan in a while. I don't know why it's so hard for me to get my head back on straight about diet and exercise when I get off track. I KNOW what I need to do and I always feel better when I'm on track, so why is this such a struggle?
So, tonight I weighed in for the first time in a month. June was full of diversions and excuses not to go weigh. I was up 3.6 pounds from my last weigh in, not happy that I'm up but at least I'm catching myself before it's 10 pounds.
YAY ME! I'm patting myself on the back on the blog because I've been mentally nagging myself to go weigh for a week now. I have worked out three times in the last week and I'm building up to my runs again. I am also challenging myself to run outside some because it's way different than the treadmill and I need to stop making excuses and just do it.
For me, I have to incorporate the food and the exercise or I'm just not successful. If I diet I might lose weight but I'll gain it back. If I exercise and eat whatever I'm just wasting my time.
So, here's to a new week and a clean slate on that front. I don't do much personal ME stuff on the blog so thanks for listening. :)
My shout out goes to Mike's sister
Helen and her hubs Dave for a HAPPY 15th Wedding Anniversary! Congrats, that is an awesome Milestone! We can't wait to see you guys this weekend and hear about Brass Town Valley.
Lindsay went back to school today. She's doing great and is all clear of her rash. She was the hit of the weight watcher's meeting tonight too.
We're going camping with the Bresnan clan this weekend so I should have plenty of new blog material next week. Lindsay loves spending time with her cousins so it should be lots of fun. They haven't seen her in a while. I know Derek and Adam will love all her new tricks!
Have a great Friday everyone!