Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Lindsay and Brooke pose at the church after Mass.
Christmas night at Aunt Agatha and Uncle Paul's house ( they hosted Christmas dinner this year)

Lindsay with her snowman mini ornament from Grandma and Grandad.

Lindsay and Cousin Adam playing their DS games together. Thanks Adam for helping Lindsay learn more about how to play the games.

What a great "Sister Shot"!!

Adam working on one of his presents.

Lindsay opens a present from Aunt Helen and Uncle David.

Christmas morning at home in front of Brooke's doll house from SANTA!

Lindsay slept with her Jingle dog from Aunt Patti & Uncle Steve, she wanted that so badly!

The Bresnan 4 posing in front of our Church St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church.

Adam helping Lindsay with her new DS.

In front of the Manger Scene, the girls both have great smiles here. They did an awesome job behaving in Church on Christmas!

Aunt Agatha swings Brooke around for a dance.

Lindsay got to wear this pretty dress I was really happy because I bought it last year on a Consignment sale and it was too big for her to wear last Christmas.

These AWESOME dolls were for Lindsay and Brooke.

Linds got the Belle doll because she already has the Tangled doll and Brookie was really wanting the Tangled doll and was fussing with Lindsay to borrow her doll. Brooke was so excited! Thank you Aunt Agatha and Uncle Paul, that was a good call!

I am a bit late in posting our photos, it's been kind of crazy for us(me)since the New Year. I broke my baby toe on Halloween and it's still not healed. I hope this is not a sign of what 2012 is going to be like. At any rate, I hope everyone has had a Wonderful Christmas Holiday!

Lindsay's leopard she got in her stocking, she matches a blanket Lindsay has on her bed.

Thanks Uncle David and Aunt Helen!

Lindsay was so excited to find a big present wrapped in JUSTIN BIEBER wrapping paper!!

Mommy & Lindsay with the one present she asked Santa for every time she saw him!

Thank you SANTA (Snook) *Wink, wink* :)

Brooke opens her stocking from Grandma and is excited that she got a cat coloring book.

Brooke got "A Charlie Brown Christmas" book from Helen and David. Always a favorite in our house!! The girls and I all love Snoopy!!

Good Morning Brooke- Merry Chistmas!! Santa came!!!

Lindsay honed in on that DS! Here she is opening it first, like she knew exactly which package it was. And notice Brooke's Halloween pumpkin sitting on the floor. Yes we are STILL trying to get rid of Halloween candy! :O/

Lindsay opens a GORGEOUS TINKERBELLE Scarf!

Here is Brooke next to her doll house that she wanted from Santa, it even has an elevator!!!

Lindsay is SO Happy she got her PINK DS!!
Christmas day is so amazing when you have little ones who still believe!! No matter how tired we are! ;OP

God Bless and HAPPY 2012!!


The Bresnan Family

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