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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pediatrician Update


We took Brooke and Lindsay to the doc for check ups today.
Brooke weighed 29.9 pounds and was 34 1/2 inches long.
Lindsay weighed 36.0 pounds and was 40 inches tall.
Brooke had to get 3 shots because we missed her 15 and 18 month appts. (oops)
Lindsay had to get FIVE shots so she could be ready for pre-k. She took it pretty well, although there was some crying and some no, no,no's being screamed. Brooke did a great job, although she watched Lindsay and the second we told her it was HER turn she started crying...poor baby. But she only got hers in the legs. Lindsay got all hers in the arms. Overall, they did a really good job. Lindsay passed her hearing and vision tests with flying colors! Dr. Turlapaty said they both looked really healthy. She said Brooke was walking just fine for her age. We were a little concerned that she seems a little pigeon toed sometimes. But Dr.T said her feet and ankles looked great! It's hard to believe that in 2 weeks Lindsay will be in Pre-K!!


The Partins said...

Yay on the great check up!

Their pics are AWESOME!!! Love the collage! They are TOO cute! I can't believe how fast they are growing... time goes way too fast.

Anonymous said...

Glade the kids are doing well. I really enjoy watching them grow with your pictures. Lindsay is really a good swimmer now.
Love to all,