Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


This evening we went to Lindsay's school picnic.
There was a very good turnout of Parents.

The kids all marched in to the Playground with flags singing "You're a Grande 'Ol Flag".

Lindsay is in the peach next to her really good friends Azaleigh, and Mia.

They sort of sang 3 verses of the flag song.

The second song was You'll be in my heart.

Each child in each class made an "ALL ABOUT ME" book, it contains pictures of them from the school year, and stories their teachers helped them write.

Here is Lindsay with her All About Me 2010-2011, with a very proud smile.

Lindsay is looking through her book.

We had cake, the school provided 3 cakes, pre-K A, B and C.

Lindsay was in Pre-K A and each cake had a class photo on it. Lindsay is in the front row, wearing a white and pink dress.

L-R: Lindsay, Azaleigh, Mia, and another friend of hers from a different class.

Brookie will have the same teacher as Lindsay when she turns 4.

Brooke was very happy to sit with the big girls!

The girls' have an ice cream social to look forward to tomorrow and then Friday is THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!

Here are Lindsay's teachers' Mrs. Julie and Ms. Kathleen.

Lindsay and her teachers' pose together.
Let's all cheer for the new Kindergartener's of 2011-2012!!

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