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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pre-K Thanksgiving Feast 11/16/2010

Monica and her daughter Azaleigh one of Lindsay's really good friends in class, they have play dates a lot.
Lindsay is very proud of her poster! All the kids came out and sang a song with their posters and sang a little song about Thanksgiving and the white paper to the left on her poster is a really nice poem. Oh and yes, that turkey on the right is Lindsay's hand!! :O)

Lindsay and mom getting ready to get in line for food.

Lindsay's whole pre-k class doing their act.

Miss Kathleen behind Lindsay trying to get everyone situated.

All the kids in her class still doing their act. She has 20 kids in her class.

Proud Lindsay holding up her poster for mom and dad to see. (sorry it's just a little bit blury.)

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